Nigerian Dwarf Goats
Quality at Home and in the Ring
We breed for Nigerian Dwarf Goats that are prolific milkers, and excel in the show ring. We use high quality goat feed by Dawson Gap Naturals and pasture rotation to keep our herd healthy and happy!
Scroll down this page to see our Senior Does, Junior Does, and Bucks. Below our herd information, you will find our herd management practices and testing results.

SGCH Waterloo Pond RCT White Pepper 4*M AR Permanent LA EEEE 91
DHIR 2016 DIM-278, 930 lbs of milk, 6.4% butterfat, 4% protein
- SIRE: Rosasharn GM Carolina Trojan *S
- DAM: SGCH Waterloo Pond RHP Nutmeg 3*M 2*D AR EEEV 90
DOB: 5/29/11
Pepper, queen of our herd is officially retired at Dawson Gap Farm. She holds a special place in our hearts as our first Finished Champion, first GCH and first SGCH doe in our herd.
In 2016 she placed 18th at ADGA Nationals and also earned her permanent LA score EEEE-91. For her first year on DHIR, Pepper produced 930 lbs of milk, 60 lbs of butterfat and 37 lbs of protein in just 278 days which earned her recognition on the ADGA 2016 Youth Production Testing Doe Honor Roll.
Her legacy lives on in her grand daughter Apache pictured below.

CH (pending) Dawson Gap BFC Twinkle Toes VEEV 89
- Sire: Bright Farms Collectorsedition +*B
- SS: GCHChenango-Hills Lysander ++*B EEV90
- SD: SGCH J-Nels ER Dumplin 3*M VEEE90
- Dam: Sweet Garden BT Fairy Bells 4*M VEEE90
- DS: Kyeema Ridge Big Time +B VEE87
- DD: SGCH Sweet Garden MR Floramaria 3*M VEEE90
DOB: 4/5/19
Show Wins 2022: 3x Senior GCH, 1x Best in Show, and 1x Senior Reserve Champion
Twinkle got her name from the cute white patches she has above her front hooves. She is long bodied and has a nice long rump. An amazing show doe, Twinkle wowed us all in 2022 at the MDGA 3 ring June Doe Show winning in all 3 rings, 2 grands, one reserve and one BIS!!!
LA 2021: VEEV 89 as a FF, the highest score awarded to a first freshener
Picture: MDGA June Doe Show 2022

GCH (pending) Dawson Gap WFE Apache Rose 6*M VEEE 90
- Sire: CH Wildwind Farm Epic VEE90
- SS: CH Old Mountain Farm Quentinquinn *B
- SD: Old Mountain Farm Ann Curry
- Dam: GCH Dawson Gap WPA Dixie 5*M VEEE90
- DS: Waterloo Pond PSZ Apollos
- DD: SGCH Waterloo Pond RCT White Pepper 4*M EEEE91
DOB: 3/24/18
2019: 1x Junior Grand Champion
2021: 2x Senior Grand Champion and 2x Senior Reserve Champion
Apache is one of the top does we have ever bred! She excels in general appearance and has a nice udder. She is a great mom with the calm personality of her own dam, Dixie (see reference pictures). In 2020 she earned her milk star and in 2021 won two more titles making her a finished champion! Apache is the third generation of champions following her dam Dixie and her grand-dam White Pepper.
DHIR 2020: DIM 261, 625lbs of milk, 31lbs butterfat & 25lbs protein
Picture: 3 Year Old

GCH (pending) Sunny Daze ZD Caramel Apple 5*M VEEE 90
- Sire: Zanzabeez PT Dionysus
- SS: Dill’s Pl Patron *B
- SD: Zanzabeez EO Sirens Song
- Dam: GCH (pending) Sunny Daze Bananarama 4*M VVEE90
- DS: Phoenix Farm Candyman +B
- DD: SG Gibson Farm STS Chiquita 3*M VVEV87
DOB: 4/8/18
2019: 1x Junior Grand Champion
2021: 2x Senior Grand Champion, 1x Senior Grand Champion (MDGA Youth Show) 1x Senior Reserve Champion
Mella, as we call her, is a welcome addition to our herd. She has matured into a lovely doe with a sweet personality. Her udder is easy to milk with well placed teats that makes hand milking a breeze. She also adds polled genetics to our herd. She earned her milk star in 2020 and earned two more titles in 2021!
DHIR 2020: DIM 293, 656lbs of milk, 38lbs of butterfat & 29lbs of protein
Picture: 3yr old second freshener

Dawson Gap UTS Abilene
- Sire: Udderly Topnotch BBL Showdown
- Dam: GCH (pending) Dawson Gap WFE Apache Rose 6*M VEEE 90
- DOB: 4/13/2020
DOB: 4/13/2020
Abilene a sweet gold and white doe with facial stripes. Although shorter in body than her dam, she is is wide and level like both her dam and grand-dam.
LA 2023: GEVV 86
Picture: 3 year old

Dawson Gap WFE Queen Esther *FOR SALE*
- Sire: CH Wildwind Farm Epic VEE 90
- SS: CH Old Mountain Farm Quentinquinn *B
- SD: Old Mountain Farm Ann Curry
- Dam: GCH Dawson Gap WPA Dixie 5*M VEEE 90
- DS: Waterloo Pond PSZ Apollos
- DD: SGCH Waterloo Pond RCT White Pepper 4*M EEEE91
DOB: 6/24/20
2023: 1x Senior Grand Champion (MDGA Youth Show)
We named this doe Queen Esther because she carries herself like a queen! She is lovely to look at and has great show and milk potential.
LA 2021: VVVV 85 as a yearling FF
Picture: 3 year old

Dawson Gap CVV Cactus Rose *FOR SALE*
- Sire: Cedar View Valente *B VEE 90
- Dam: GCH (pending) Dawson Gap WFE Apache Rose 6*M VEEE 90
DOB: 4/20/2021
2022: 1x Reserve Junior Champion
Cactus surprised us with quads as a first freshener! She is developing into a really nice show and milk doe.
LA 2023: VVGV 86 as a FF
Picture: 2 year old

Dawson Gap CVV Have a Licorice
- Sire: Cedar View Valente *B VEE 90
- Dam: GCH (pending) Sunny Daze ZD Caramel Apple 5*M VEEE 90
DOB: 4/11/2021
2021: 1x Junior Grand Champion
“Licky” as we call her is a miniature “Mella”. Not only does she look like her dam but she also has her dam’s sweet personality. Licky wowed us at the Howard County fair August 2021 by winning Junior Grand Champion as a 4 month old! As a second freshener she milked almost 1/2 gallon in the morning during her peak production and fed her kids the rest of the day.
LA 2023: VEVV 87 as a FF
Picture: 2 year old

Dawson Gap DGG Tiptoes
- Sire: Dawson Gap WFE General VEE90
- Dam: CH (pending) Dawson Gap BFC Twinkle Toes VEEV89
DOB: 5/21/2021
Picture: Yearling

Junior Does

Dawson Gap CVV Twinkle Bells *FOR SALE*
- Sire: Cedar View Valente *B VEE90
- Dam: Ch (pending) Dawson Gap BFC Twinkle Toes VEEV89
DOB: 4/12/2022
Picture: Coming Soon!

Dawson Gap CVV Twinkle II
*FOR SALE w/ kids*
- Sire: Cedar View Valente *B VEE90
- Dam: Ch (pending) Dawson Gap BFC Twinkle Toes VEEV89
DOB: 4/12/2022
Picture: Coming Soon!

Dawson Gap UTP Sassafras
- Sire: Udderly Topnotch PR Prophet
- SS: CH Helderberg MO Prophet VEE89
- SD: GCH Hundred Fold Abe’s Rachel 1*M EEEV90
- Dam: GCH (pending) Sunny Daze ZD Caramel Apple 5*M VEEE90
- DS: Zanzabeez Pt Dionysus
- DD: GCH (pending) Sunny Daze Bananarama 4*M VVEE90
DOB: 8/7/2022
Picture: Coming Soon!

Dawson Gap UTP Cherry On Top
- Sire: Udderly Topnotch PR Prophet
- SS: CH Helderberg MO Prophet VEE89
- SD: GCH Hundred Fold Abe’s Rachel 1*M EEEV90
- Dam: GCH (pending) Sunny Daze ZD Caramel Apple 5*M VEEE90
- DS: Zanzabeez Pt Dionysus
- DD: GCH (pending) Sunny Daze Bananarama 4*M VVEE90
DOB: 8/7/2022
Picture: Coming Soon!

Dawson Gap UTV Sweet N' Dandy
- Sire: Dawson Gap WFE Torpedo VVV87
- SS: CH Wildwind Farm Epic VEE90
- SD: GCH Dawson Gap WPA Dixie 5*M VEEE90
- Dam: GCH (pending) Sunny Daze ZD Caramel Apple 5*M VEEE90
- DS: Zanzabeez Pt Dionysus
- DD: GCH (pending) Sunny Daze Bananarama 4*M VVEE90
DOB: 4/12/2023
Picture: Coming Soon!

Dawson Gap UTV Roselie
- Sire: Udderly Topnotch LJ Voyager *B
- SS: GCH J-Nels L Legendary Journey +*B EEE91
- SD: SGCH Sugar Moon RB Babelle 4*M VVEE90
- Dam: GCH (pending) Dawson Gap WFE Apache Rose 6*M VEEE90
- DS: CH Wildwind Farm Epic VEE90
- DD: GCH Dawson Gap WPA Dixie 5*M VEEE90
DOB: 3/8/2023
Picture: Coming Soon!

Udderly Topnotch LJ Voyager *B
- Sire: GCH J-Nels L Legendary Journey +*B EEE91
- SS: Rosasharn SH Legend +*B
- SD: SGCH J-Nels LY Spatel 3*M VEEE90
- Dam: SGCH Sugar Moon RB Babelle 4*M VVEE90
- DS: SG NC Promisedland Ram-Beau ++*B VEE90
- DD: SG NC Promisedland Cajun Jig 3*M
DOB: 02/03/2020
2023: 1x Senior Grand Champion and Best in Breed
Voyager comes from J-Nels and Sugar Moon lines. We are excited to see what he will bring to our herd.

Dawson Gap WFE Torpedo
- Sire: CH Wildwind Farm Epic VEE90
- SS: CH Old Mountain Farm Quentinquinn *B
- SD: Old Mountain Farm Ann Curry
- Dam: GCH Dawson Gap WPA Dixie 5*M VEEE90
- DS: Waterloo Pond PSZ Apollos
- DD: SGCH Waterloo Pond RCT White Pepper 4*M EEEE91
DOB: 04/22/21
2023: 1x Senior Grand Champion and 1x Reserve Champion
Torpedo is our homebred buck from champion lines and proved himself in the show ring this year.
LA 2023: VVV87G

Dawson Gap CVV Courageous *B *SOLD*
- Sire: Cedar View Valente *B VEE90
- SS: GCH J-Nels LY Cappuccino ++*B EEE91
- SD: SGCH Cedar View Beyonce 3*M VEEE90
- Dam: GCH Sunny Daze Caramel Apple 5*M VVEE89
- DS: Zanzabeez PT Dionysus
- DD: Sunny Daze Bananarama 4*M
DOB: 4/11/21

Dawson Gap T Gingerbread Man
- Sire: Dawson Gap WFE Torpedo VVV87
- SS: CH Wildwind Farm Epic VEE90
- SD: GCH Dawson Gap WPA Dixie 5*M VEEE90
- Dam: GCH (pending) Sunny Daze Caramel Apple 5*M VEEE90
- DS: Zanzabeez PT Dionysus
- DD: GCH (pending) Sunny Daze Bananarama 4*M VVEE90
DOB: 4/11/21
Reference Pictures of Does & Bucks

CH Dawson Gap WPA Dixie VEEE 90 *SOLD*
- Sire: Waterloo Pond PSZ Apollos *S
- Dam: SGCH Waterloo Pond RCT White Pepper 4*M AR EEEE 91
- DOB: 4/11/15
Dixie is our first Dawson Gap finished champion! She is smoothly blended with a very nice rump and excels in body capacity. She is a wonderful mother with a very easy going personality that makes her a great asset to our herd.
DHIR – results to be posted
Picture: 4yr old Finished Champion

Dawson Gap WFE Sweet Pepper 5*M *SOLD*
- Sire: CH Wildwind Farm Epic VEE 90
- Dam: SGCH Waterloo Pond RCT White Pepper 4*M EEEE 91
- DOB: 3/19/17
2018: 1x Jr. Grand Champion
Sweety is a lovely Pepper x Epic doe with a long body and nice angulation in her rear legs. She earned her milk star in 2020 and a place on the ADGA 2020 Youth Production Testing Doe Honor Roll.
DHIR 2020: DIM 293, 670lbs of Milk, 46lbs of butterfat & 27lbs of protein
Picture: 3yr old not in full milk

Sweet Garden BT Fairy Bells 4*M VEEE 90 *SOLD*
- Sire: Kyeema Ridge Big Time +B VEE 87
- Dam: SGCH Sweet Garden MR Floramaria 3*M VEEE 90
- DOB: 4/2/17
2019: 1x Senior Grand Champion (MDGA Youth Show)
Fairy Bells has been a great addition to our herd. We were thrilled for the opportunity to purchase her from Sunny Daze farm as we had competed against both her dam and grand-dam over the years. She has a lovely well-attached udder with easy to milk teats. She earned her milk star in 2020 for butterfat and protein.
DHIR 2020: DIM 289, 536lbs of milk, 36lbs butterfat & 26lbs protein
Picture: 2yr old 2nd freshening

SGCH Cu At Lil'Red Barn Bezoar 1*M AR *SOLD* LA VE+V-88 DHIR 2012 DIM-305 720lbs as a First Freshener
- Sire: Mi Sugarcreek Wager On Me ++B VEE – 88
- Dam: SG Old Mountain Farm Mizzel VEEE – 90
- DOB: 4/9/11
Bezoar adds another line to our herd strong in conformation and milk production. She has great udder capacity and milks over 3 pounds in the morning while feeding her triplets the rest of the day! An added feature which we were not looking for is that Bezoar has blue eyes, something we hope to see more of in our herd.

CH Wildwind Farm Epic LA VEE 90
- Sire: Ch Old Mountain Farm QuentinQuinn VEV 88
- Dam: Old Mountain Farm Ann Curry +VVV 87
- DOB: 3/17/13
Epic went home to Udderly Topnotch this fall of 2021. He has been an amazing asset for us and helped bring our herd to the next level of showing. We have retained several does and bucks out of him that will continue to improve our herd. Thank you Kevin and Paula John!!!

Udderly Topnotch BBL Showdown *SOLD*
- Sire: Udderly Topnotch BBop Blues
- Dam: SGCH Cu At Lil’Red Barn Bezoar 1*M AR
- DOB: 3/3/17
Showdown was born on our farm and stood out right away. His sire’s sire is CH J-Nels DH Be Bop whose dam is the famous J-Nels ER Dumplin. His sire’s dam is also a finished champion, CH CuAtLilRedBarn Wanda who we personally saw place first in class at the 2016 ADGA Nationals. The kids we have kept out of Showdown are showing great potential.

Cedar View Valente *B VEE 90 *SOLD*
- Sire: GCH J-Nels LY Cappuccino +*B EEE 91
- Dam: SGCH Cedar View Beyonce 3*M EEEV 90
- DOB: 4/28/18
Valente is a new addition to our herd. We are very excited about the genetics he represents. His grand-sire is the famous GCH Chenango-Hills Lysander +*B who has sired many finished champions.
LA 2021: VEE 90
Picture: 3 year old

Dawson Gap WFE General VEE 90 *SOLD*
- Sire: CH Wildwind Farm Epic VEE 90
- Dam: SGCH Waterloo Pond RCT White Pepper 4*M EEEE 91
- DOB: 4/17/18
General is our homebred buck out of Epic and Pepper who sires flashy kids with great general appearance.
LA 2021: VEE 90
Picture: 3 year old
Dawson Gap Herd Management
Kids are dam raised on our farm and constantly handle by our 6 children making them very friendly. They are disbudded, dewormed, weaned at 8-10 weeks, and ready to go to their new homes.
We follow many practices recommended in Pat Colby’s book, “Natural Goat Care” and have greatly benefitted from the information found on the Fiasco Farm website. We use herbal and natural remedies first and drugs only when needed. We strive to have vibrant, healthy Nigerian Dwarf goats by feeding high quality Alfahay, Dawson Gap Naturals goat feed, and rotating paddocks & pasture so they can browse as God intended. Goats require high copper in their diet so they always have access to our Dawson Gap Custom Goat mineral formulated by Fertrell. We offer kelp, baking soda, and loose salt to our herd.
In 2022 our adult herd tested negative for CAE & Johne’s. Kids that we retain are tested once they are a year old. Bucks are tested every year.